SS6: Happy New Year


Release date: 5 Jan 2025

Views: 120

Happy new year and welcome to a new issue of my newsletter Snapshot 👋

Where I share stuff you might find useful in your life.

Quick updates.

This site finally has a book list!

Always wanted to create a book list but never got around to it. Heavily inspired by Derek Sivers' list You can find it at

There is a recommendation rating as well for these books but for now that score is hidden.

Each book will also have notes going forward. From my side that's a good way to absorb and apply anything I consume.

Built this week

As mentioned earlier, my spare time was spent creating a book list for this site. There's a back-office place for this site which has a form. I can use that form to easily add books without having to tinker with code and create a new deployment each time.

QR Codes Lab has templates now!

I looked at competitors and found that none of them have this feature. Now the user doesn't have to muck around with colours and shapes every time. A few already made templates can be selected. Overtime I will add more templates for users to choose.

The landing page also has more content explaining what the product is and the features it offers.

It might not look fancy but it's better than nothing.

If you've been reading this newsletter, you might know that I like the approach of going from 0 -> 1 as fast as possible.

Improvements can be made with time.

There is so much more to add. I want to keep providing value until the product becomes one of the best in the market.

As for getting more users, there is a lot of SEO and content work to be done.


I finished the audiobook of The Courage to Be Disliked. Notes will be added soon for this book.

Although the book was slow to start with, it really hooked me in some of the later chapters.

I found a lot of concepts of Adlerian psychology like all problems are interpersonal problems questionable at first but understood them by the end.

There is a lot more to offer than its title. In fact ignore the title altogether.

View it as a book that explains Adlerian psychology with a lot of actionable points that you can carry in your daily life.

Another book I picked up this week is Dune. I'm a massive fan of the movies and hadn't read fiction in some time. So far extremely enjoying the world built by Frank Herbert.

Love love the litany against fear. It's beautiful poetry.

I must not fear.

Fear is the mind-killer.

Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.

I will face my fear.

I will permit it to pass over me and through me.

And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path.

Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.

At the same time I have also been listening to So Good They Can't Ignore You. Cal Newport has been mentioned on this site before and so far this book is good and very informational.

Will talk about it in depth in the future :)

That's it for this week!

May this year bring you a lot of happiness and you achieve your goals. Keep going.

[email protected] is my email and you can contact me at anytime :)

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